School Nurse
Email April Elliott
Nursing Services

April Elliott, RN, BSN
Notes From The Nurse
Covid 19 Information
COVID will now be handled like any other respiratory illness. If your child is not feeling well, and you choose to test them for COVID, and they test positive, they must stay home. They are safe to return to school "when, for at least 24 hours, symptoms are improving overall." This includes being fever free and free of any gastrointestinal symptoms for 24 hours, as well.
Please see the link below for more information about these changes.
Feel free to reach out to the ACS Health office if you have any questions.
When to Keep Your Sick Child Home From School
It is important for children to attend school but there are times when an absence due to illness is
necessary. Keeping your child home when they are sick gives their body time to rest,
recover, and protects other students and staff from potential illness. If your child has any of the
following symptoms, please keep him/her home.
* Fever - temperature of 100 degrees or higher. Your child must be fever free for 24 hours
without the use of fever-reducing medications before they may return to school
* Vomiting - your child may not return to school for 24 hours following the last episode of
* Diarrhea - while a single occurrence of diarrhea may simply be the result of an aggravated
belly, more than one episode may indicate illness. In this case, your child should not return to
school for 24 hours following the last occurrence of diarrhea.
* Cold/Cough - if your child has heavy cold symptoms such as, severe sinus congestion,
significant lack of energy, and/or, a deep or uncontrollable cough, they should remain at home to
Medication Administration
All students receiving medication in school (prescription and over the counter) must have written parental permission. In addition, a doctor's written order is required for medications which will/may be given for the entire school year, for a long term (more than 10 doses), or for medications for which the nurse deems a doctor's order necessary.
All medicines must be in the original, pharmacy labeled container - baggies will NOT be accepted. A parent or responsible adult must drop-off and pick-up the medicine.
Students are NOT allowed to carry medicine to school on the bus or during school in their possession (backpack, purse, locker, etc.) Exceptions are for inhalers, Epi-pens or other emergency medications - providing that prior arrangement has been made with the nurse.