Healthy Minds
Community Resources
This is a comprehensive list of many resources available to families in the area including, but not limited to, summer camps, mental health and financial aid services.
Resources for Local Therapists
This website allows you to search for therapists in your area, while narrowing down the search based on your child's needs. This website does not necessarily list ALL counselors in the area.
Lakes Region Community Services
This is a valuable resource in our community that offers parent education as well as family resources and support.
Counseling Release Form
If your child is currently seeing an outside counselor, this form gives permission for us to communicate with the counselor.
Kids Health
This is a website for school-age kids, teens, parents and educators offering valuable information and resources around kids' physical and mental health.
Lynn Lyons
Lynn Lyons is a therapist and public speaker who specializes in anxiety. Her website has numerous resources in regards to anxiety.
Summertime Anxiety
This Lynn Lyons article talks about summertime anxiety that affects many young people.